Sunday, January 11, 2009

Trouble in Camelot

I have always thought of my life kind of like a little Camelot. Not in a proud way but just that God has blessed our family so immensely. Of course there have been problems but overall things have been so good - four wonderful children, three great in-laws, all of whom love the Lord passionately, one cool grandson with two more on the way, an incredible wife whom I continue to love more each year, a stable job which is fulfilling, a great church, multiple friends, ect. You get the picture.

Well there is now a breach in the wall. As many of you probably know, just before Christmas my sweet wife was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. She has been having problems with her memory for a year. We initially thought it was stress and did some things to relieve that, including quitting her job. It seemed to get better for a while but has gotten worse, and I took her to a neurologist who confirmed the diagnosis. At least as much as one can with this disease. Since then it has been an emotional roller coaster for us. We decided early on not to keep it a secret because we wanted people to pray for us. So over the past few weeks we have been telling friends and family, as many as possible face to face. This has been emotionally draining, but we have been so encouraged and supported by all.

Our stand from the beginning has been that we feel very confident that God will give us the grace to handle whatever He has in store for us down the road with this. On the other hand we also feel very strongly that we serve an awesome God who is powerful and can heal, and so we are praying for God to intervene and work a miracle. So if you read this please take a minute and stop and pray for her. We want as many people praying because we do not want to miss out on God's blessing, plus we do not want others to miss out on being a part of God doing a marvelous thing and in turn being blessed.

We do not know where this road will lead, but we still have been blessed beyond measure. So as the song says, every blessing He pours out we will turn it into praise; but when the darkness closes in, still we will say "Blessed be the name of the Lord".


Kelly said...

Hello Sudans..Kelly McCarver (Maddux) here. I found yalls blog from Christy's. I will pray for your family!! I prayed for Luana just now, I know God can do amazing things, I've seen keep praying. Luana, I have so many good memories from highschool, first of all you being my sunday school teacher. Such a great teacher and encouragement to a 16 yr old girl (what a hard age). Then of course the nursing jokes, and of course how you taught me to use the ever famous "bed-pan smile". So funny!! Thanks for posting, I'll be praying.

Unknown said...

What a joy to catch up with your beautiful family. My thoughts and prayers are with each of you and the loving care of Luanna. God be with you. Barbara Clifton